Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thank You, Readers of the World!

I was so pleased to see the list of countries/territories/protectorates that my readers hail from. 76 countries, to be precise! In not-so-alphabetical order, they are:

Argentina, Australia, and Albania; Brazil, Belgium, Belarus, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Botswana, and Barbados; Canada, China, Chile, Croatia, Cayman Islands, Czech Republic, Colombia, and Chile; Denmark; Ecuador and Estonia; France and Finland; Germany, Greece, Georgia, and Guatemala; Hungary; Italy, Israel, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Iceland, Isle of Man, and India; Japan, Jordan, and Jamaica; Lebanon, Latvia, and Lithuania; Mexico, Malaysia, and Morocco; Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway; Puerto Rico, Poland, Philippines, Portugal, and Pakistan; Russia and Romania; Singapore, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, South Korea, Switzerland, Slovenia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, and Somalia; Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, and Trinidad & Tobago; United States, United Kingdom, and the US Virgin Islands, Venezuela and Vietnam. I hope I got everyone. If you hail from a country that's not on this list, drop me a comment!

I'm so pleased and happy to see that people from all of these countries have an interest in, and may even be growing, the wonderful plants I love to write about. Carry on, gardeners of the world!


  1. Thank you for all the interesting topics and great photos. It's wonderful to discuss the plants we both enjoy, and learn more about the plants we don't know very well.

    1. Thank you, Bob, it is indeed a great discussion!
