Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lithops: The Effect of Light

When I first bought this Lithops, it was a strong gray-green color, the same green they used to paint institutional walls in the 70s. It was also living in semi-shade at the nursery, under a large donkey-tail succulent. Now that it's been here awhile, getting several hours of strong morning sun (eastern) every day, it's turned a lovely green-gold on top, and pale green on the inside.  The "windows" are particularly nice in the light, almost transparent, you can look inside them and see the inside of the Lithops glowing vibrantly. Regular morning sun seems to intensify or change the colors of Lithops.  And I's a marmorata! Really. This time I'm right. I know it....
Have you seen your Lithops change colors with different amounts/types of light?


  1. They must be intelligent, the brain x2! LOL!

  2. It looks great now, very marmorata-like :)

  3. Lovely Lithops! There's nothing quite like going to bed after inspecting my Lithops and then waking up the next morning to see some changes eg: the fissure opening, new sprouts, or some colour changes too. One of my seedlings is a stand out, at only about 1 month old, it is purple compared to its other offsprings! With my older plants, and since we've been getting a bit of winter sunshine over the last week or so, I've noticed pronounced green near their base. This can only be a good thing I hope; green, a sign of life etc.

  4. They do look brainy, don't those marmoratas?? Whereas those giant franciscis seem to be the "brawn" of the group! ;-)

  5. Rika,
    Yay, I got it right, I'm getting the hang of it, slowly....

  6. Gaianursery,
    Purple, good for you! And yes, for plants that initially appear so quiet and slow-moving as to truly be stones, they really do change quite a lot. It's those quiet ones you have to watch out for, even in the plant world....

    1. What a great comment Marla - and so true. I posted the dolphins for you in reference to a dicussion or two! LT

    2. Many people here have watched your vide and their jaws have are truly blessed!
