Monday, August 20, 2012

A Fluffpuff for Monday

On Monday mornings, I need something to lift my spirits, and today, I chose my Rebutia albipilosa, aka "Fluffpuff".  It's can still grow just a little bigger than this, then can grow offsets which can be cut and rooted. Has gorgeous, and quite large, flame-orange flowers. The rest of the time, it's just fluffy, which is okay with me. I water once a week with acidified water, and it's growing in cactus soil with a gravel top to prevent rot.

Rebutia albipilosa


  1. Looks like a bad hair day - me on a windy day! LOL! I have linked you lithops and pot to pinterest - see my blog.

  2. What a cool looking Fluffpuff. I love it! :)

  3. LT-A bad hair day, lol!! And thanks for the pinterest!
    Lithopsland--I'm glad you like Fluffpuff!

    1. Someone already re-pinned your pic, likes the pot! Thought you would like to know, and you would love it, I find it inspiring to see all the ideas.
