Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Weekend With Plants and Sea-Beans!

The weekend started beautifully with a spectacular dawn over the ocean. Time to be up and about, watering mesembs and Tillies!

And this is just the third batch.  Good grief.  I'm also potting up some of the new Lithops this weekend. They are all French blue and green. So I've got a few pots to match that came out of the kiln a couple weeks ago:

And this weekend is the International Sea-bean Symposium, so I'll be heading there to catch a few lectures on sea glass, flotsam, sea-beans and ocean currents, and of course, buying the exclusive T-shirt!


  1. Lovely skyscape, and the frenchie Lithops look great in their new pots! Have fun @ the International Sea-bean Symposium! :)

  2. Thank you, LT and Lithopsland! The symposium was great, though very crowded. I'll have to do a post on sea-beans and flotsam one of these days.
