A lazy weekend of glazing pots, harvesting some vetiver (more on that later), and just taking it easy after this awful bout of bronchitis. Our local plants are worth a post or two, and I've been walking a lot and enjoying their beauty lately.
Here are a few of the locals for your enjoyment:
Beach morning glory, Ipomoea imperati. Large showy flowers appear in the morning, and it has large, leathery leaves to survive the salt spray.
Ipomoea imperati |
From Family Fabaceae comes the Beach pea, which fixes nitrogen for other plants to use. The soil out here is very poor in nutrients, but the Beach peas are a great help (as are the native rabbits, whose droppings build the otherwise hopelessly thin soil).
Canavalia rosea, the Beach Pea |
And finally, from the ubiquitous Asteraceae family, comes the Fire Wheel, or Indian Blanket Flower, Gaillardia pulchella. I love this one because it's fuzzy!
Gaillardia pulchella |
What local flora are you enjoying this weekend? I hope it's been peaceful and beautiful for all of you.
Ohh, all such beautiful wild flowers, my favourite is the morning glory, such a perfect flower. A few pioneering plum trees are showing their delicate fluffy spring blossoms atm. Hope you get well soon. :)
ReplyDeleteI was painting doors!! Wish I could have rather taken a stroll..grr! Wonder if this Ipomoea also forms caudex, many people go bonkers for caudex plants (yes, I have one or 2 as well). Gaillardia pulchella, after a little google is wonderfully colourful. LT
ReplyDeleteLithopsland, I love morning glories, too! One the best parts of an early-morning stroll. Plum trees are gorgeous, too.
ReplyDeleteLT, I don't know about Ipomoea caudices, our local railroad vine is just a vine, with some long roots to hold onto the sand. Other varieties grow too big here to pull up and check!
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI am now, thank you, Luther!