Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekend Walkabout: Sirmione Memories and a Tillie Grandbaby

Today I am reminiscing about my wonderful autumn at Lago di Garda, Italy. This view of the lake from Roman poet Catullus's favorite town, Sirmione, sums it up:
Sirmione, Italy, Billboard by Yoko Ono, photo Marla Robb, 2015
In my own garden, far far away from Bella Italia, the crotons are blooming extravagantly!
Croton in Bloom, MRobb, 2015
And I am happy and proud to report that my Tillandsia intermedia has a grandbaby. Three generations of Tillie in a couple of years. T. intermedia is the one that grows upside down and can pup from either end. Mine has been pupping in pretty much a straight line. They kind of look like pale green squids:
Tillandsia intermedia, MRobb, 2014 (I think)
This Tillie looks high-maintenance but is cared for in the regular Tillie fashion. A few mistings per week, an upside-down perch, fertilizer in the water once a month, and weekly soaks. Moderate sun. Mine hangs in a north-facing window and I'm in Zone 10, USA USDA. So here's the grandbaby!
Tillandsia intermedia pup, MRobb, Dec 2015
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy some glorious gardens while you're at it!

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