Monday, March 16, 2015

Lithops Releaf-a-rama 2015!

If it's spring, it must be time for a Lithops Party. Lithops don't get very excited about anything, and they sure don't party much. But once, in spring (for most), they get crazy and re-leaf. Here are two of mine doing just that....
Lithops Releaf-a-rama 2015, MR
I live in a town that's famous for its Spring Break parties during March, so I guess I can consider my Lithops' behavior appropriate for the season.


  1. Looks like your Lithops are not just re-leafing, some of them are reproducing, with two popping out of one. Mine are right in synch with yours even though they're on opposite corners of the country and don't have such fancy pots!

    They sure are cute.

  2. Thank you, Ellen! I'm not sure why some of my Lithops flower and then set 2 new pairs of leaves, why some only set one new leaf pair, and others go for multiples. They are all grown in the same conditions, same soil. The only variation is that I mist some, but not others. They are mysterious creatures!
