Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Babytoes Blooms in 2015, Too!

The summer heat is on and Fenestraria, aka Babytoes, is celebrating can guess this...blooming! She starts around dawn and her blooms are in full glory by breakfast time:

Babytoes hails from Namaqualand, Africa, and is grown just like all other mesembs--well-draining, rather poor soil, lots of sun, not too much water. She's been cheering me for years now, and her blooms never cease. Hurray for Babytoes!


  1. They love you! :D

    I'm so impressed and envious! :)

  2. Hi Marla, I absolutely love your blog! Your babytoes are so beautiful and their flowers cheer me up. I found your blog because of my airplant obsession but just today I purchased a bunch of mesembs including BABYTOES! I hope that I can keep mine happy so they bloom like yours do. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much, your comment made my day! I hope your Babytoes bloom with enthusiasm for a long time!
